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Minerva Listed on CIX Top 20 Early Stage Startups of 2021


MinervaAI makes Techto’s list of Canadian Rocketship companies for 2021

Customer Stories

"Minerva has become a trusted partner in fulfilling certain aspects of Mogo's anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing compliance regime. They adapt quickly to changes in sanctions and other regulatory requirements, providing us with a high level of confidence in their services. We have found their team to be knowledgeable and readily available for support!"

— Senior Director Governance and Compliance

"We chose Minerva for its AI capabilities to automate our regulatory obligations including Know Your Customer and Enhanced Due Diligence aspects of AML onboarding, risk rating and ongoing compliance monitoring. MinervaAI's automated process that produces fully auditable reports allows the investigators to add value by allocating time to analysis instead of the tedium of document collection."

— Lisa Arad, VP of Experience

"Minerva's enhanced due diligence capability has been a great time savings for our investigations team. We've reduced our manual work by accessing actionable insights in a consistent, meaningful way to make better decisions. Knowing that we access hundreds of thousands of global sources, including Sanctions lists, Adverse Media, Legal and business registry information, gives us peace of mind that we are taking the necessary steps to fulfill our AML compliance requirements"

— Chief Compliance Officer, Curve

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All-In-One, AI-Enhanced Risk Screening

We put the world’s data to work on a comprehensive compliance platform.
Discover more efficient, effective investigations.